Wilderness Survival and Bushcraft Programs for Youth

These programs are for youth aged 13 to 17 years.


Spring Break Wilderness Survival Training for Youth (5 days, 7 hours per day)

The Wilderness Survival Training for Youth program runs during spring break. Youth must come prepared to learn. This training program focuses on safety outdoors and entry-level wilderness survival and bushcraft skills. The course significantly improves youths’ confidence and abilities in the outdoors. They will become closer to nature and will use different tools and sources from the natural environment without damaging wildlife so they are prepared for unexpected situations. We aim to encourage and cultivate a new generation that cares for nature.


Summer Camp, Bushcraft and Wilderness Survival Summer School for Youth (10 days, 7 hours per day)

Our summer school program enables youth to get closer to nature and understand how to make the most of the wilderness while not only keeping safe but also not harming the natural environment. They will practice various bushcraft skills which are a stepping stone to developing survival skills. This program is for youth who are prepared to learn.


Private Program - Bushcraft and Wilderness Survival for Youth

This is a one-to-one private program for youth who are keen on developing their bushcraft and wilderness survival skills more intensively. After a goal-setting consultation and a skills assessment, the instructor will work with the student to create a program that reflects their needs. The private program will assist the practical development of every skill that is necessary for a wilderness survival situation. At the end of the program, the student will have an evaluation of their progress.


Custom Program for Youth with Special Needs

This custom program focuses on youth with special needs. The first session consists of a discussion and consultation. The instructor identifies goals and builds a custom program for the youth’s needs. All programs occur solely in the outdoors in a forested area. We teach appropriate and safe handling of cutting tools. However, cutting tools are only involved in the program if the instructor deems it appropriate after an evaluation of the student’s capabilities. When youth spend time outdoors with our instructors and learn outdoor living skills, they make incredible progress in how they control their behaviour. 

“Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.”

— Franklin D. Roosevelt