Wilderness Survival Certification

(Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels)

About the Wilderness Survivalist Certification

The Wilderness Survival Certification (WSC) offered by ONE WITH NATURE Survival School is a comprehensive, hands-on training program designed for individuals and organizations working in remote and challenging environments. The program aims to equip participants with the essential skills, knowledge, and confidence to survive and thrive in the wilderness. This certification is particularly suitable for wilderness guides, park rangers, researchers, and other professionals who spend a significant amount of time in isolated areas or harsh environments.

Course Structure:

The WSC program is structured into three progressive levels: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each level comprises a combination of classroom learning, practical exercises, and real-world scenarios, providing a well-rounded educational experience. The certification process involves the successful completion of all three levels, followed by a final exam and practical assessment.

  • Basic Level:

    The Basic Level serves as an introduction to wilderness survival, focusing on the core principles of survival, situational awareness, and preparedness. Topics covered in this level include:

    • The psychology of survival

    • Basic first aid and wilderness medicine

    • Shelter building and fire-making techniques

    • Water procurement and purification methods

    • Signalling for rescue and navigation skills

  • Intermediate Level:

    Building on the foundation laid in the Basic Level, the Intermediate Level delves deeper into advanced wilderness skills and techniques. Participants will learn about:

    • Advanced first aid and wilderness medicine, including injury management

    • Food procurement, including plant identification and animal trapping

    • Advanced shelter building and fire-making techniques

    • Navigation using a map, compass, and natural indicators

    • Weather prediction and preparation

  • Advanced Level:

    The Advanced Level focuses on specialized survival skills for specific environments, such as deserts, mountains, or tropical forests. In this level, participants will explore:

    • Specialized first aid and wilderness medicine for extreme environments

    • Advanced food procurement, including hunting and fishing techniques

    • Construction of specialized shelters and fire-making techniques

    • Advanced navigation, including GPS usage and celestial navigation

    • Group leadership and decision-making in survival situations

Final Exam and Practical Assessment

Upon completion of all three levels, participants must pass a written final exam and demonstrate their practical skills through a series of realistic survival scenarios. The final exam and practical assessment ensure that each participant has mastered the necessary skills and is prepared to face real-world challenges.

Certification and Benefits

Successful completion of the Wilderness Survival Certification program results in the issuance of a WSC certificate from ONE WITH NATURE Survival School. This certification:

  • Demonstrates the participant's proficiency in wilderness survival skills

  • Validates the participant's commitment to personal and professional development

  • Enhances the participant's credibility and marketability as a wilderness professional

  • Provides a sense of accomplishment and confidence when faced with survival situations

The WSC at ONE WITH NATURE Survival School is a must-have for professionals working in remote and challenging environments. The comprehensive curriculum, hands-on training, and real-world application provide participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to survive and thrive in the wilderness, no matter what challenges they face.

Certification Validity and Recertification

The WSC from ONE WITH NATURE Survival School is valid for three years from the date of issue. This validity period reflects the importance of regularly practicing and updating one's survival skills to ensure that they remain fresh and effective.

To maintain their certification status, participants are required to undergo a recertification process before the expiration of their current certificate. The recertification process consists of a refresher course and a practical assessment, which serve to reinforce existing skills, introduce any updates or new techniques, and evaluate the participant's continued proficiency in wilderness survival.

By keeping their WSC up-to-date, professionals can demonstrate their ongoing commitment to personal and professional development, as well as their dedication to maintaining a high level of expertise in the field of wilderness survival. This not only enhances their credibility and marketability but also ensures that they remain prepared to face any challenges encountered in remote and challenging environments.


The primary location for the Wilderness Survival Certification (WSC) offered by ONE WITH NATURE Survival School is our expansive training field situated at 1258 Neild Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada. This location offers a diverse range of natural environments, allowing participants to gain hands-on experience in various wilderness settings. The training field is easily accessible, ensuring a convenient and immersive learning experience for all participants.

Customized Training for Corporate Clients:

In addition to our primary training location, ONE WITH NATURE is committed to accommodating the unique needs of our corporate clients. If your organization is located outside of Victoria or on the mainland, we can organize and conduct the WSC program in your area. Our team of experienced instructors can adapt the course content and practical exercises to suit the specific environmental conditions and challenges of your chosen location.

By offering the option to customize the training location, ONE WITH NATURE ensures that our Wilderness Survival Certification program is accessible and relevant to organizations and professionals operating in remote and challenging environments across Canada. This flexibility also enables participants to practice and apply their survival skills in the specific environments where they work, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the training.

Flexible Program Scheduling

At ONE WITH NATURE Survival School, we understand the importance of providing a training schedule that accommodates the varying needs of our participants. Therefore, we offer the WSC program on a flexible basis, allowing groups to choose the most convenient time for their training.

We run the WSC program whenever we have a group ready to participate. This approach ensures that our participants can coordinate with their team members or colleagues to find the most suitable time for attending the course. Our flexible scheduling also allows us to work with organizations and professionals to plan their training around their operational requirements, ensuring minimal disruption to their work.

To organize a group for the WSC program or to inquire about upcoming course dates, please contact ONE WITH NATURE Survival School. Our team will be happy to assist you in scheduling your WSC program at a time that works best for you and your group.